Basic Suggestions For Tipping Food Employees

By Cornelius Nunev

Tipping has become more of a sensitive problem recently due to the economic downturn and snail-slow recovery. How much are you expected to tip? Have higher costs and stagnant wages made tips a lesser priority than previously? Here are some tipping rules and recommendations.

Stiffing the help

As reported in Detroit News, one diner in California recently stiffed a waitress, leaving a card instead of a tip. On the card the deadbeat wrote, "I must cut back on discretionary spending and gratuities. I wish it didn't have to be this way for both of us."

Tips needed to survive

A lot of the time, waiters and waitresses need tips to survive and depend to them.

An unnamed restaurant worker recently told Lennie Copeland, writing at the Record Searchlight, "If you can afford to eat out, you can afford to tip. Otherwise, stick to macaroni and cheese at home."

According to Copeland, while the federal minimum wage is $7.50 an hour, restaurant workers typically make closer to $2.13 an hour. That, with an average infusion of tips, gives them about $15 to $20 an hour.

On top of that, restaurant employees are required to claim 8 percent in tips for tax purposes, though 12 percent in tips is required to keep the Internal Revenue Service off the restaurant's backs. On top of that, workers then have to share their tips with other workers such as cooks and janitors.

Tipping guidelines 101

These are your tipping recommendations.

When you go to a restaurant, a 15 to 20 percent tip is anticipated. It used to be that 10 percent was expected, but now it is a little more.

You only need a five to 10 percent tips at a buffet, according to, since you are serving yourself.

If there is a tip jar at a coffee or deli counter, 50 cents to $2 is all that is needed for orders totaling less than $30. Even then, only regular consumers should feel obligated to tip, according to

When picking up a to-go order from a restaurant, Tipthepizzaguy states it is customary to give 10 percent to the counter person.

A minimum $3 tip when somebody delivers pizza is anticipated, though it should be about 15 percent.

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