How To Make Compliance Webinars Interesting

By Carolyn Ellis

Generally, most employees don't usually look forward to training seminars. Devoid of fun and excitement, such events are commonly associated with endless hours of watching rigidly-scripted tutorials and going through dreary modules. But believe it or not, it's actually possible to create compliance webinars that spark some enthusiasm among the trainees.

To develop the right content for your audience, it would help to get a glimpse into their general preferences. This would involve digging up some information on their professional and educational backgrounds. For your research, you could obtain the relevant information by interviewing various individuals and observing them while they work. This will help you know what learning approach works best for them.

Using characters in your courses gives you the opportunity to enhance comprehension and retention of the material. Such elements could take up various roles, from facilitators to narrators. Still, you need to develop each character in such a manner that the audience relates well to it as opposed to providing an irritating distraction.

As far as learning goes, most people would appreciate a good challenge, especially if there are rewards waiting in the end. You can take advantage of this by incorporating a few real-world scenarios that are both exciting and still educational into your training courses. Because the audience develops an emotional connection with the situation being discussed, the learning process becomes exciting and more meaningful for them.

An effective way to add fun into your webinars is to inject an appropriate touch of humor. And there are many ways to do this, from lighthearted comments to elaborate illustrations that feature humorous elements. That said, take caution to avoid deviating too far away from the subject matter.

One of the most common reasons why most people aren't quite enthusiastic about online training is how the typical course is structured. Due to the long modules, large blocks of text and numerous assignments, most trainees find the courses boring and arduous. You should therefore break down the courses into smaller modules comprising of bullet-point pieces of information. This minimizes the cognitive overload, thus transforming the training experience into an enjoyable, fun exercise.

Videos would be a great way to present the most important topics of your subject matter. This is because one could make use of live actors, animations or even just slides to create an immersive experience for the audience. But if creating a good storyline for your content isn't feasible, you could embed videos from the internet using e-learning software.

In a nutshell, it's possible to transform just about any subject matter into an engaging learning experience. All you need is a few tools in addition to your creativity to attract the interest of your audience. People will generally be more receptive to learning when they're having fun.

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