Washington's Spending Fix Is Hardly Anything Of The Sort

By Anne Trimble

For anyone who thinks that the short-term solutions proposed for our country's financial calamity made any kind of difference, we must hastily disabuse you of that idea right away. The budgetary "repair" this week was for political purposes only and does absolutely nothing to resolve the reasons this nation is falling apart financially. In other words, nothing has actually improved.

Nor will President Obama and the Congress meaningfully address those problems in January when they're scheduled to do this all over again. America will continue to use temporary measures to avoid the trigger of yet another global economic meltdown. It will continue to remain in the good graces of the money masters in China who hold a huge portion of U.S. Treasury debt. The game will continue until something drastic happens and the charade comes to an end.

No wonder gold prices moved little during the 17-day "drama" that surrounded the partial shutdown of the U.S. government. It was a minor skirmish with all sorts of political wrangling. The purpose of the rhetoric was merely to assign blame and point out whose fault it was. Savvy investors understood this entire scenario. They did not expect misguided federal solutions to amount to much. They did not even expect America would run out of debt-money. And they did not expect a default on Treasuries this month. As it turns out, they were quite right. So the option to turn precious metals into a "safe haven" during distressing times didn't come into play.

After all was said and done, our country is merely where it was before the drama. Nothing whatsoever has changed. We stay with the same excessive debt, one too large to be paid by our generation, the next generation, or even the generation after that one. Our socialistic President does not actually appear troubled by it. We also have a weak opposition party that can't see beyond short-term political fixes. They were unable to stand strong and make much of an effort to fix a bad situation. Absolutely nothing took place to lead us to believe that the course of this country's financial destruction has in any way been altered.

So continue to prepare for more political mishaps and financial shocks just ahead of us. Our advice is to continue purchasing gold and silver financial instruments as a way to gather resources for the coming financial storm. In the days to come, gold and silver will prove their worth as God's Money.

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