Whistleblowers Against Fraud & How You Can Tackle Counterfeit

By Bob Oliver

During my time in retail, I was told about the methods needed in order to verify bills as legitimate. One of the ways we did this was through the use of a special marker, the ink of which would turn black if a bill was counterfeit. It was a problem that we were told about, time and time again, and I believe that it's an issue for Whistleblowers Against Fraud to tell you about. Specifically, authorities like these may tell you about the ways in which counterfeit can be combated.

The general definition of counterfeit is when an item of value is remade without any of the value attached to it. Basically, these items are constructed in order for them to be passed off as legitimate; money is perhaps the most common example of this. To put it simply, it's a problem that is addressed by various authorities in fraud, WAF being just one example. However, there are a few solutions to consider, each of them supported by Whistleblowers Against Fraud.

For one, it might be in your best interest to take the texture of the money into consideration. Those who are familiar with authentic dollar bills will be able to tell you that said bills have a certain texture to them, given the fact that they have different fibers associated with them. Counterfeit money, on the other hand, is made from softer material that is more easily worn down over the course of time. The texture of these bills should be the first point to tip you off.

You may also want to look at the borders associated with dollar bills. On bills which are deemed authentic, they are considerably cleaner and there aren't many, if any, visible breakages the human eye could pick up. When you detect borders which look, for lack of a better term, unfamiliar, you are probably in the right to assume that these bills have been counterfeited. This is a less common aspect when it comes to counterfeit money but it's a point worth noting nonetheless.

It's important to note that counterfeit money is a serious problem worth talking about. One of the many reasons for this is because it's a problem that doesn't include dollar bills alone. In order to truly understand what counterfeiting is all about, you must also understand the ways in which counterfeit money can be avoided in the long term. There are a number of visual differences to consider; it's just a matter of understanding how to pinpoint them.

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