What To Do In A Medical Emergency

By Maryl Joop

Have you ever wished you had that beloved cat that passed away insured? You could be being reimbursed for your loss right now if only you had had cat insurance. But, you think, of course there is no cat insurance. Well, you would be surprised what insurance companies would call insurance as long as customers are willing to put up the money for it.

As long as there are people willing to pay good money in order to feel more protected, there will always be people that are willing to accept that money in exchange for an insurance policy they are not likely to have to cash in on. We have compiled a list of the four weirdest insurance policies that you could currently go out and buy, although we cannot say if we recommend it.

You may also be under the impression that your mother, sister, wife, daughter, or you as a women yourself will never have a heart attack because on television, the men are the only ones that are seen being revived from this. That is because men are the only ones that are allowed to take their tops off in television programs, thus diminishing the amount of women they can show being revived from heart attacks.

Living a full life with a long term illness is not impossible, in fact, if you make it a priority, it can be done fairly easily. Because illness can sometimes seem to overtake a life, it is extremely important for people with illnesses to find an outlet, and live their life to the fullest.

Part of living life to the fullest means understanding your limitations, knowing what is safe and healthy to do, and what may cause you to be in danger. That being said, it is also important not to limit yourself too heavily. Find the things you can do, and find ways to adapt the things you cannot. One way or another, it is important to make your life as interesting and enjoyable as possible, even when you have an illness.

Some long term illnesses are more limiting than others, but when we look at the lives of heroic figures with long term medical issues, we can see the potential to live a full and impactful life even with trials. Look, for example, at Helen Keller. Though she was unable to see or hear for her entire life, she was still able to travel the world, inspire people, and most importantly, communicate.

2. Meteor Insurance -- In the case that there is a meteor that hits earth so hard that it does devastating, what are the chances that you are going to be able to cash in on any insurance, health or otherwise? Well, that is a risk that some people are willing to take in order to protect themselves in the case of a deadly meteor shower.

1. Body Part Insurance -- How about instead of getting health insurance, you save money and invest in just one body part? That is what many famous stars are doing these days in order to protect their money-makers. For example, America Ferrera, star of "Ugly Betty" whose trademark was her braces filled smile had it insured for 10 million dollars. Us regular Joes on the other hand, would find little to no reward in paying for insurance for just one body part that is just as likely to get injured as any other part of our body would that may be covered just as well by regular health insurance.

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