6 Weird Laws That Make You Wonder

By Jim Thorpe

Dr. Phil and Oprah are long-time, beloved personalities that take real issues head on. They always seem to have the best advice for some of the hardest topics families face, including the possibility of divorce.

The following are three steps they have given to help save a marriage that is failing. See how their advice can help improve the quality of your marriage.

First, did you know that it is illegal to serve beer and pretzels at the same time in North Dakota? Not sure what it is about that particular combination that makes drinkers so dangerous, but apparently it was a big enough reason that the state felt they needed to get involved.

For people who have never gotten a divorce before, divorce can seem like a relatively easy process. But people who have gotten a divorce know that getting a divorce is one of the messiest most difficult things to go through.

Are you hiding them away and taking your feelings out on other people? Have you confided them in your partner asked for help and understanding?

Third, the Havre Daily News reported that Idaho made it illegal to give a loved one a box of candy that weighed less than fifty pounds. Is it true?

Instead of looking for the bad in what he or she does, find the good inherent therein. Take that good you saw and sincerely compliment your partner on that quality.

You'll catch them off guard. To hear sincere praise when you expect vehement criticism is enough to make anyone regret the bitter retort they were already formulating in their minds.

If you manage to make it through to the teenage years, feel free to sell your child at will. Who knows, maybe they'll make a name for themselves as a trapeze artist and bring honor to the family name.

It is important that, throughout this entire process, you learn to listen to what your heart is really telling you. You need to be true to yourself so that you can make the best decisions for you and for your children.

Although certain overarching themes are relevant to everyone, like giving your spouse a compliment instead of a quip, the type of compliment you come up with, or when and where you give it is entirely up to you.

Sixth and finally, Washington has figured out how to stop importing criminals from other states; motorists driving in must announce any criminal intent they have before entering. Terrorists, thieves, and loiterers alike must make known to law officials what crime they intend to commit before they are allowed entrance.

It's only then that you can show love and level the playing field again. Most people can build a happier relationsh ip than they've ever had when they take the responsibility of that relationship into their own hands. You have the power to do something about it. Allan & Easton, a Provo divorce lawyer firm, would agree with that.

Their work puts them on the front line with those couples just about ready to give up. Take it from a Provo divorce lawyer that works with it every day, divorce is not always the answer. You can often save and build a better relationship. You will be happier for it in the long run, whether you can see it now or not.

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